joi, 19 august 2010

Whai is it hard?

because such is life ! we are born and we are ready to neck such ! must fight go to read survival and all leave scars . Some say life worth living! Really worth it? It is possible to enjoy when you find half. Jopy go after five years.When you make a baby then get white hairs.More than living torment us.

miercuri, 18 august 2010

land series win

For a while i started to watch more serials.Why? Are more ineresing i keep you in suspense. I think people whant stories , not just special effects.Are mystery and suspense , the situation turns and i think because of that start to be most watched many movies than normal.

some examples of series that you should not miss
1. Prison Break
2. Friends
3. Lost
4. Dexter
5. Stargate SG1
6. Criminal Minds
7. Heroes
8. Greys Anatomy
9. House
10. Alias